Sunday, April 10, 2011

Accueillir à Perris

Waiting out front of the gate in the AM.

We were the first ones on the lake.

My reluctant apologies for this photo. But seriously, this was too crazy not to. Lake Perris needs to have some sort of hygiene competency check point before allowing just anybody onto the premises.

And they're off!

My first fish of the day in my huge jacket. Pushin 6lbs.


At this point I had 6 and Kenny and my Dad were at 0.

One relieved Kenny.

And padre.

Action shot #1.

Kenny waking me up from my nap.

They're both starting to get confident.

Action shot #2.

Bass Wassup.

Action shot #3.

Action shot #4.

At this point Kenny started getting competitive with me.

Action shot #5.

He went from 0-6 in no time.

I shook off my nap and got number 9, he wasn't having any of it.

My Dad took a break from farming bass to land this one.

Mid farm.

Getting better all the ti-ime.

We almost doubled up. Fish on for Kenny.

Kenny's bass was all up in the shrubbery.

Bam, he fought it out. Check that bad boy out.

Can I has your bass?

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